Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Magic Doesn't Always Happen Outside My Comfort Zone

I enjoy exercising every day, but I like to vary my workouts. My husband has maintained the same workout regimen--with fabulous results, I might add--for years. My results, I have to confess, are definitely more sketchy than his, but I certainly don't get bored. Some days I do yoga, others I lift weights and use the elliptical machine, other days I flash back to the 80's for a burst of heart-pumping aerobics. Hands down, though, my favorite workout of the week is on Wednesday, when I hike around the lake nearby with a group of friends. It nourishes me--body, mind, and spirit. I love it!

Last week, alas, we got a very rare snowstorm and so hiking on Wednesday was out. I decided to seize the opportunity to go to the Zumba class offered at the same time at my community gym. I tried convincing all my hiking buddies to go with me, but had no takers. I got to the gym, got moving, and the lessons started coming fast and furious:

1. If none of my friends want to join me on an adventure, they may be on to something.
2. If two minutes into something, I already feel awkward, tortured, and humiliated, that probably won't change after 60 minutes. This is particularly the case when an instructor is shouting things like, "Bootie! Bootie!" or "Shimmy! Shimmy!" at me.
3. My sister, Nicole, who is hilarious, gorgeous, and also a fabulous dancer, has this statement on her blog: "My philosophy of life is this: every song deserves a good shimmy. And a jazz square. With maybe a lunge thrown in, if you are extra fancy. Like me." Apparently, I am not extra fancy. And she definitely got all the shimmying ability in the family.
4. On the bright side, I can handle most things for an hour. . .like eating my Brussels sprouts, I just have to get through them. Getting through something without friends around to witness my humiliation can actually be a really good thing.
5. There will be no need to alter my Wednesday morning hiking time in order for me to participate in that Zumba class again. Ever.

Bottom line: This little diagram I found on Pinterest helped inspire me to start my blog, but it turns out that the magic doesn't always happen outside my comfort zone. Sometimes it's best to stick with what I know and love!

(Illustration originally from Alexandra Popovic via Pinterest.)

1 comment:

  1. You are such a great writer! I've been waiting years for this. Can't wait to read the latest and greatest! xo
